About Stephanie

I have experienced such a miraculous change in my well being through my hyperhidrosis transformation. I am a Christian and I believe my transformation was, and continues to be, inspired by God. Glory to God in the highest. Before this transformation, I experienced many of the same limitations listed on this website; hyperhidrosis being the most challenging of them all. As I saw my life transform from shedding limitations such as these; clumsiness, confusion, stage fright, and negative patterns in love. I saw an improvement in my hyperhidrosis that made me curious. I found hyperhidrosis to be the most limiting one of all. The shame and rejection attached to my hyperhidrosis were deep. And somehow I knew these feelings were not my true self. They were feelings taken in by me from my childhood. So, I've learned, these feelings stuck inside me can be let go. These feelings I describe are stuck in our subconscious and are able to be released during certain brain wave states such as theta. I also saw my clients were able to release their own limitations. Inquire about my availability for certain speaking engagements through my email. My life's purpose is to encourage transformation for those who suffer from hyperhidrosis.

As a certified Neuro Change Practitioner I give instruction in emotional regulation and mindset change through neuroplasticity with evidence -based studies. These methods are taught to my students and clients through video chat. If you struggle with the embarrassment and daily limitations of hyperhidrosis, message me through the green chat button to inquire. 

I have learned that the transformation of the limitations in my life and the lives of my students/clients can be life-changing. After thirty years of studying and working as a pharmacist, a pharmaceutical business associate, a medical administrator, and an owner of a medical office, I noticed the contrast when studying and working with transformation. I believe in and prefer transformation over pharmaceutical intervention in most cases. This is my opinion. Pharmaceutical options establish their importance through many different sources. Medical journals are one of them. However, without delving deeply into a comparison, suffice it to say that both chemical treatments and transformation origins are ancient and are both supported by their history of usage. I've studied them both. What I recommend is, don't be afraid to explore all your options. There's never just one way and you're not alone. Find and connect with others who struggle with hyperhidrosis. To encourage transformation out of hyperhidrosis is my life's purpose. When we approach our limitations from different perspectives it opens infinite possibilities.

Learning to think and feel differently about yourself transforms more than just hyperhidrosis. The transformation out of my hyperhidrosis paradigm helped me release the limitations that I felt were held prisoner by my hyperhidrosis such as my desire to do activities like couples dancing, holding hands, and getting a manicure. When this social aspect of my life transformed, my desires were realized. I'm sure you can name at least 3 desires that you hold back from doing because of your hyperhidrosis. Can you imagine doing them? It is possible.

The following sources have improved my understanding of the transformation: biofeedback, Inner Christian Healing, the works of Henri LeMay, Encounter Ministry School of Healing, spiritual healing through Catholic prayer, quantum physics and christianity as explained by Dr. Arnold Sikkema, science and religious views of Dr. Stephen Barr, and meditation. I continue my faith-based studies as I work with myself and my students/clients. I believe hyperhidrosis and other limiting patterns are symptoms of deeper emotional wounds that want to be released. That's why they bother us so much. These wounds can be released and transformed. These emotional wounds are in the form of electromagnetic energy in our biofield.  Here are links to information that I find apply to that understanding. Energy can be transformed through neuroplasticity, prayer and  meditation, and mindset changes.  

I am an instructor and a catalyst for your transformation experience. Your change is between you and God. During my classes and sessions with my students, I instruct them to connect with God the Father, Jesus His Son, or the Holy Spirit our Comforter. I respect others' religious beliefs when they are intended for the highest good of mankind and the highest good of oneself. My intention is not to influence you toward changing your beliefs. Your transformation is your own. I am merely an instructor and catalyst for your transformation. Feel free to apply your chosen beliefs in place of mine, especially if you feel yours are working for you. We can invite you to our private Facebook Community Group called Transform Out of Hyperhidrosis. Send me a message through this green Chat button. Also my online events on Eventbrite.com for Transform Your Energy classes and a Hyperhidrosis Support Group; Loving Curiosity and Loving Discovery. My YouTube channel and online practice attract students/clients globally from places such as Germany, New Zealand, India, Australia, Lithuania, Canada, France, and the United States, where I reside. 

I was born and educated in Tucson where I finished my college education at the University of Arizona with a B.S. Degree in Pharmacy. My education and background involve science and psychology and spirituality. I am a practicing Catholic born and raised. I have two adult sons with graduate school on their minds. Both are studying Podiatry following in the footsteps of their father. My transformation was born out of my past marriage. Relationships, especially marriage, have a way of reflecting back to us who we are inside. My breakthrough discovery was that I did not love myself. So I set forth on a journey to do just that, love myself. My faith in Jesus Christ has been with me on this incredible journey of love. An essential spiritual pathway in my life has led me to the doorstep of Transformation Instruction. I have several years of experience since starting my practice in March of 2019. Feel free to email me if you have questions about me and my practice support@hyperhidrosistx.com.

Education and Studies:

Certified Neuro Change Practitioner, July 2024, Neuro Change Institute.

Encounter Ministries, School of Healing, February 2022, Portland OR.

Meditation, by Dennis Marikis, Ph. D., January 2019, Institute for Brain Potential.

Complementary Therapist, Membership to International Institute for Complementary Therapists; 2019.

Child and Family Education college courses 12 units; June 2017, Antelope Valley College, Lancaster CA.

Stress, Resilience, and Happiness,  by Jeff Auerbach, Psyd. March 2017.Institute for Natural Resources.

Calming the Overactive Brain, by William J. Sieber, Ph. D. March 2017, Institute for Brain Potential.

The Habits of Happy People, by Brian E. King, Ph. D. July 2015, Institute for Natural Resources.

Reasoning with Unreasonable People: Focus of Disorders of Emotional Regulation, by Martin M. Antony, Ph. D.,Feb 2015, Institute for Brain Potential.

Noxious People: Living and Working With High-Conflict Individual, by Joseph W. Shannon, Ph. D. Psychology, Nov. 2013, Institute for Brain Potential.

Food for Thought: How Nutrients Affect Mental Health and the Brain, Michael Lara, MD, Psychiatry and Neurology, Nov. 2013, Institute for Brain Potential.

B.S. Degree in Pharmacy, May 1988, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ.