Transformation Out of Trichotillomania and Skin Picking


July 7, 2023

The False Action Of Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania, since having been charmed by it myself, started way back in my junior high school days. The seemingly harmless false action of trichotillomania was a habit that I developed while unaware. 

Oxford Languages Dictionary defines Trichotillomania as the compulsive desire to pull out ones hair. The desire can range from being mild pulling on hair to severe pulling out of hair. I don't diagnose this condition, so, if needed, get a proper diagnosis from a medical professional or a therapist trained in this area.

The false action of trichotillomania is worth discovering. I was listening to an Emmet Fox YouTube video entitled The Mental Equivalent. I was at this point of the video, 33:06, and was struck by what he said, "Suppose you have to prepare to sit down with the paper in front of with your hair. This is a false action." I pondered this and felt it had a strong message worth blogging about. When in a false action, Emmet Fox recommends writing with true action. A true action is one that really changes things. A false action does not. He says true action is fruitful while false action means stagnation. He goes on to say fruitful ideas come from within us and have a centrifugal force. While, false actions come from outside of us and have a centripetal force. The main theme in the video is that our starting point should not be from a centripetal direction, which is coming from a force starting outside of us, such as trichotillomania. Instead, our starting point should be one of a true action demonstrated as our creative ideas starting inside us, then swirling out as a force displayed through our imaginative writing. 

Prepare your thoughts and write. If your left hand is playing with your hair, write with your left hand. If your right hand is playing with your hair, write with your right hand. Eventually you can become ambidextrous. This trichotillomania tool is not about becoming ambidextrous, although that's a new skill you can add to your skills list! Yay! (Who writes anymore anyway? We're on the keyboard now. Hmmmm). This trichotillomania tool helps us develop the true action from within. The false action of playing with your hair is robbing you of the true action of analyzing your thoughts. False actions bring stagnation (trichotillomania). True actions comfort us (analyzed thoughts, creative ideas).

In addition to Fox's false action, trichotillomania is a distraction to true action, like a procrastination MO. Instead of writing about the amazing truth that is born from the inside of us, we fade away into the insecurities, inadequacies, and incompetencies of our limiting beliefs. Ouch, that hurts. Why do I have to bring that up? Cuz, we don't need those blocked energies in our lives. How do we create great ideas with these self-limiting beliefs hanging around? Maybe that's why we play with our hair. The triggering blocked energy in the words of insecurities, inadequacies, incompetencies, and others can be released through energy healing. Then replaced by the positive energies of self-empowerment, self-acceptance, contentment, and others. Do you feel the energy difference? First, release those blocked energies. Next, accept positive energies. Then, analyze and prepare your thoughts. Writing with self-empowerment, self-acceptance, and contentment can reveal true actions from within you. And now, your great ideas are born:)

Are you interested in transformation out of trichotillomania?

You can find information on my website home page. There is online video chat ( such as FaceTime, Zoom, or another platform upon request). Contact me through the green Chat button or my email Let go of your limitations. We are all on a journey. Encouragement and resources are offered for your transformation out of trichotillomania. Visit my website at My YouTube channel: @hyperhidrosistx  

Signup through the Eventbrite platform for these online classes: Transform Your Energy Collection

Many blessings to you, Stephanie

Stephanie Katz, certified Neuro Change Practitioner specializing in hyperhidrosis transformation

Hyperhidrosis Tx ; Transforming Hyperhidrosis and Other Challenging Patterns 



Instagram:  @transformation_steph 

Facebook Page: Hyperhidrosis Transformation Instructor

Facebook Community Group: Transform Out of Hyperhidrosis 

YouTube: @hyperhidrosistx Stephanie Katz 

Eventbrite: Transform Your Energy 

Disclaimer: I make no claims of complete healing, and despite efforts, matters can get worse as well as better. Your transformation is yours. I am merely an instructor or catalyst. This service is complementary to and is not to replace your current medical or therapy healthcare practitioners’ services and treatment. I am not licensed as an Complimentary Therapist. Most Complementary Therapists are not medically licensed professionals. 

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Energy Healing for Trichotillomania and Skin Picking

Updated: April 14, 2023

Pulling hair out of your head, eyebrows, and eyelashes. That's trichotillomania, I have personally experienced this. It's an addictive behavior. It could be a mild case of just innocently playing with your hair. This could be cute and attract men your way. If so, more power to you! But, keep it mild. If this behavior gets neurotic then it's time to put an end to it. There can be a lot of ugly truth about it.  It could be so bad that it can be considered self mutilating. Don't let it! Trichotillomania and skin picking  are conditions that can affect females and males.  There is an underlying energy about it that wants to be released. Then positive energy can be brought in to replace it. This new energy flow is transformational. The same is done for skin picking. Contact me. Reply to my website or send me a message through the chat button. Ask me your questions to see if I am able to help you. A session or two can introduce you to ways to get that energy flow back on track and balanced. I have been there so I will understand. I am an Energy Healing Practitioner who works with blocked energy that can cause the perpetuation of unwanted behaviors and limitations in our lives. You are transforming yourself, I am just a catalyst. Check out my other blogs. Blessings to you on your life's journey.


You can find information on my website home page. I am available by video chat ( such as FaceTime, Zoom, or another platform upon request) or in person. Contact me through the green Chat with us button or my email It's time for you to try energy healing. Let go of your limitations. We are all on a journey. I offer encouragement and resources for your transformation out of trichotillomania. Visit my website My YouTube channel: @hyperhidrosistx  Instagram: @energy_steph Many blessings to you.

I also offer classes called Transform Your Energy. Signup through the Eventbrite platform for these online classes: Transform Your Energy Collection

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