Transformation Out of Emotional Overeating

I have had a love/hate relationship with food. Ohhh especially cakes with yummy frosting. My breakfasts used to be anything made with sugar. I've had my funky relationship with food. If you have had a funky relationship with food I just want to let you know you are not alone. We can share war stories about our battles with food and who won, you or the food.

So, enough about me. Let's focus on you and your transformation out of overeating. I don't know the details about your relationship with food. And I don't need to know. The only thing I need to know is how it makes you feel in your body. Are there any stuck emotions that you can detect. Let's let the body speak to us about this food that we can't live without but have a hard time living with.

The feelings we have just before we eat tell us a lot. So let's start there; notice a tight or dense feeling in your body. Where is it? Common places are  the throat, chest, high stomach or abdomen. With intention, desire, faith, and courage we can release those triggered emotions and then replace them with positivity. It is simple, but not always easy. I believe you can feel some relief after the first session. You are more in charge of this transformation than you realize.

The success of the session is usually not experienced until met with that food battle again. It is then that you may notice something is a little different in your energy around food. The connection is not quite there like it used to be. You're not hypnotized or enslaved into taking that bite of double fudge cake with chocolate sprinkled cocoa frosting. Or, your not waiting for everyone to go to sleep so you can raid the fridge of leftover BBQ ribs with a side of mac & cheese. There can be freedom. There can be balance. Think about releasing those triggered emotions tied to overeating. Imagine how that would feel in your life. Let me know your thoughts. Reply to my blog. Contact me through my website or email me at Blessings to you on your transformation out of emotional eating. Check out my other blogs. Transformation is liberation. Release your limitations on your road to success. Bring Joy into your life.

Disclaimer: I make no claims of complete healing, and despite efforts, matters can get worse as well as better. Your transformation is yours. I am merely an instructor or catalyst. This service is complementary to and is not to replace your current medical or therapy healthcare practitioners’ services and treatment. I am not licensed as a Complementary Practitioner. Most Complementary Practitioners are not medically licensed professionals. 

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