Transformation Out of Hyperhidrosis programs

April 21, 2024

A quote from E. E. Cummings, “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”  

Are you planning on hosting or attending an event? Are you wondering how you’re going to fare with your hyperhidrosis? Attending events with hyperhidrosis can trigger self-consciousness in someone dealing with this condition of excessive sweating. Do you plan on attending a family reunion, high school reunion, party, wedding, funeral, date, work event, school event, presentation, performance, or others like these? How strongly do you desire to participate fully? Would you like to welcome your guests with a handshake or hug, confidently? Would you like to immerse yourself in your presentation or performance without fear of facial sweating? Would you like to wear shoes without socks at a summertime party, comfortably? Do you have faith in yourself and your ability to rely on the tools you are learning? I instruct a tool I call NOW, LATER, and THEN in another blog. What To Do In the Throes of Hyperhidrosis; NOW, LATER, and THEN if you are interested. I understand the importance of feeling comfortable and confident in social settings. It's justifiable if you may not have the courage to face the possible discomfort or embarrassment that hyperhidrosis can bring to this event, however, you can try releasing the triggering emotions you are feeling about this event, now. Prepare yourself now for attending events with hyperhidrosis. Consider, now, the stuck emotions you might experience in that future event and release them.

After confronting and releasing the stuck emotions that come to my mind about my event such as embarrassment, humiliation, awkwardness, resistance, disappointment, failure, fear, etc., and then replacing that space with positivity like self-trust, self-love, peace, joy, contentment, freedom, interest, curiosity, and others. I could expand to become who I really am. With my newfound courage, I can imagine, create, and expand upon new opportunities and new horizons. What would you like to experience that you are too afraid of? Our limitations do not define us. It’s about how we choose to respond to those limitations and grow from them that can transform us. Know you are capable. Discover your desire and faith, and then courage can catapult you towards transformation out of hyperhidrosis.

Please understand that at these kinds of events, I wasn’t completely sweat-free. No one can be completely sweat-free. We are humans, and so we sweat. But normal sweating feels different inside my body compared to hyperhidrosis which feels like tight, stuck emotions. Normal sweating shouldn't have a negative emotion associated with it. Once those feelings attached to the hyperhidrosis are released and replaced with positivity, the hyperhidrosis episodes become less and less. Through neuroplasticity, we can create new neuropathways of positivity, THEN the subconscious can grant us a success. A success is a response with little or no sweat when you would usually sweat. My stuck emotions of embarrassment, shame, and self-rejection are gone. But, if they ever come back, I know what to do with them, release them. 

The word courage has been such a journey of discovery for me. It’s been a guiding principle in my life and is responsible for my shift to higher levels of consciousness. Several years ago I noticed the word courage as it jumped out at me initially from within a book by Dr. David Hawkins called Discovery of the Presence of God. I was impressed by this book because I learned that transforming from a lower level of consciousness into a higher level of consciousness takes courage. This stimulated my awareness of shifting into what could be a new paradigm from the low consciousness of hyperhidrosis. The definition of courage is: having fear, being mindful of the risks, and making the conscious decision to do something anyway.

Courage is a root word for encourage. To encourage is an action that signifies a positive contribution from one person to another. Do you feel supported, empowered, and loved when someone encourages you? If you do, then that someone is helping you feel the courage that is within you. Encourage is the word I chose to define my life’s purpose: ‘To encourage others to transform out of hyperhidrosis is my highest aim.’  I am deeply committed to helping others overcome their obstacles and find their own courage to move forward and expand in their transformation.

On my online store, I carry Sweat Comfy products at Ladies, I have some great-looking shoes for you to wear at those summertime parties. These Natural Suede Espadrilles have hemp rope insoles with upper canvas lining. Such breathable materials make sweaty feet happy, comfortable, and look good. The hemp insole is anti-itch, breathable rope once wet, absorbs the sweat into its fibers away from the skin and allows for drying air circulation. These strong hemp fibers have a relatively large surface area that can withstand damage from excessive sweat. Hemp rope is resistant to mold and mildew.

These casual flats are stylish and come in multiple colors Beige, Navy Blue, Brown, Green, and Black. Click on this link, Add to Cart, and see your 40% off! 

Guys, there are other products for you, too. Come take a look!

My story underscores an important truth: transformation is not about achieving perfection but about embracing progress and resilience. It’s about recognizing that setbacks may occur, but with determination and the right mindset, they can be overcome. My process of transforming out of hyperhidrosis started with courage. I encourage you to catapult out of your hyperhidrosis.

Message me if you have comments or questions. Much love on your journey of transformation!...x…Stephanie



March 14, 2024

When Struggling With Hyperhidrosis Teach the Body To Trust

When struggling with hyperhidrosis, does your mind make decisions that embarrass your body? Does your mind decide to wear a light blue shirt instead of a black one? Knowing full well the sweat stains will show up on the light blue shirt. Does your mind decide to shake someone’s extended hand when your hand is wet with sweat? Because, if so, your body may not feel comfortable with your mind’s decisions. In a person struggling with hyperhidrosis, the body lacks trust. I will take you through a 3 step process that can bring some relief to future hyperhidrosis episodes by teaching the body to trust the mind’s decisions. And, of course, this is done by focusing on making the mind’s decisions trustworthy. My name is Stephanie, I am a Hyperhidrosis Transformation Instructor.

With hyperhidrosis, we often do our best to control situations so our lives can feel more tolerable. Our body and mind often do an intricate dance between protecting us from others discovering our hyperhidrosis and connecting with others because we dearly want a connection with them. The first relationship we should consider is the connection within ourself between our body and mind.

Trying to make our lives more tolerable is something I understand because I have struggled with hyperhidrosis most of my life before transforming out of it. Let’s consider what we can change instead of what we cannot change regarding hyperhidrosis. Changing our thought patterns is something we can do when making decisions for our body. If we learn to implement mindset change through neuroplasticity, then over time the body can learn to trust the mind which can lead to harmony and relief from hyperhidrosis. This mindset change can answer your desire to change your hyperhidrosis circumstances. You are capable and can become self-empowered. Can the mind learn to make trustworthy decisions for the body? I know mine can, with my awareness and conscious efforts.

Now, Let’s discuss the 3 steps for how my body relearned to trust my mind. First, I developed an awareness of when my body lacks trust which presents as my body’s discomfort . And second, I responded with a rescue. And third, my body felt some relief from hyperhidrosis. At the beginning of my transformation, I found awareness helped to build that body-mind trust. So even something so simple as “I feel cold” can be resolved with trust. Instead of telling my body to put up with feeling cold, my mind would decide to put on a sweater to relieve my cold feeling. Now apply this exercise to a hyperhidrosis experience. If someone wanted to shake my hand, I might have swirled into a hyperhidrosis energy of panic and embarrassment. But, instead of telling myself to put up with it and forcing my body to respond with a handshake, I could, instead have responded with a rescue.

This leads me to my second step, the rescue. During the 2nd step, I relieve my body’s discomfort by coming to its rescue. A rescue could be a fist bump, a quick wave, wearing gloves, holding something in your hand like a leather wallet, etc. I’ve read somewhere about a person’s rescue idea. They said that when in public they constantly carry something in their hand to excuse themself from a handshake. They carry their leather wallet. The genuine leather feels comfortable against their sweaty hand. They wave to the person while showing their hand is occupied. Now that’s a rescue idea worth implementing. I’ve encouraged my body’s trust in my mind’s decisions to relieve the discomfort. I’ve rescued my body with a leather wallet to prevent a handshake. Through this rescue, I’ve made my feelings in my body a priority, which then builds its trust. Make your rescue choice trustworthy so the body can build trust.

The third step is some relief from the sting of hyperhidrosis. My body was learning to trust the new self-loving me. This relief was much appreciated by my body. This teaching my body to trust my mind was honored, at last. Notice the connection mending between your body and mind. Keep going back to the relationship we should prioritize within ourself, the body and mind.

When my body was not trusting my mind, I heard about it! Through the loud and clear response of my hyperhidrosis. When I wasn’t practicing self-love, I heard about it! Through the loud and clear response of my hyperhidrosis.

However, I know what you’re thinking, “I can’t go through the rest of my life avoiding a handshake!” You’re right, I agree. Encouragement of Interpersonal Touch is a part of the transformation, but not until my students are ready. When they are ready, this milestone in their transformation includes Interpersonal Touch classes which are introduced as the 4th Stage. These private classes are found on my website Interpersonal Touch introduces tools that work best in an emotionally safe and physically comfortable environment. If you are looking to sign up for the beginning stage of transformation, I recommend Stage 1, which is about Releasing Limitations. In this stage many of my clients have experienced noticing a difference after the second session.

If you are also thinking that avoiding a handshake is awkward, I completely understand. However, the rescue is temporary until the body-mind trust is developed and awkward feelings can be released. Please watch my release video on how to let go of blocked or stuck emotions.

To summarize, first I notice an awareness of my body’s discomfort. Second, I come to my body’s rescue (like with the gloves or the leather wallet). Third, my body doesn’t have to cry out through hyperhidrosis because it has developed trust in my mind. Awareness taught me about the high value of self-love. Getting to know my likes and dislikes and putting my needs and wants first taught me how to honor myself and be my own best friend. So, that gives you ideas about how I apply this tool and that it is meant to raise your positivity which fuels your transformation out of hyperhidrosis. Let me know what you think. If anything is confusing or needs more detail, please let me know. Write your questions or comments below.
Look for me on Eventbrite and Linked In. My life's purpose is to encourage others to transform out of hyperhidrosis. Much love ...x… Bye, bye for now.



 February 9, 2024

What to do when we are in the throes of hyperhidrosis. We know the struggle to stop the sweating is real. I came to the understanding that when in the throes of hyperhidrosis, I cannot will it to stop. So why bother, right? Hiding it is easier. But it still doesn't feel good. The fear of others finding out and the embarrassment that follows is all consuming at times. We may not be able to will it to stop, but we can bring relief to future hyperhidrosis episodes. I have a 3 step process that uses neuroplasticity and mindset change that can be used regularly to bring relief. I call this 3 step process Now, Later, and Then. The road to transformation is paved With NOW, LATER, and THEN. This is how these steps work. If I am experiencing hyperhidrosis NOW, nothing can be done. I find this belief relaxing. Maybe it’s because everything inside of me wants to urgently do something. This belief of NOW nothing can be done allows me to relax in confidence. I allow that confidence to become very real to me. Even though my body’s response is sweating and I’m anything but confident. This is the first step on my road to success. I have confidence because I know that LATER something can be done. LATER is when I am in a quiet place with little or no distractions and I've lovingly discovered the triggering emotion. LATER is awareness and release of this triggering emotion through prayer or meditation. I accept positivity into that space I’ve just cleared. THEN, Success Occurs, which is the body's response of little or no sweat when there would usually be a sweat response. I’m on my road to success. My hyperhidrosis paradigm is in the process of being transformed.

Let’s go over these steps in more detail. I am in the throes of hyperhidrosis NOW. NOW, I rest in the belief that nothing can be done at the moment. This belief allows me to wait it out. I’ve learned to feel myself NOW relaxed in the confidence that my hyperhidrosis will be dealt with. I’ve learned there is nothing I can do but ride it out NOW. “Weather the storm”, as they say. While I’m weathering the storm I am sitting with the knowledge and the experience that there is something I can do LATER. After the storm has started, I do my best to remember what I was thinking or feeling that triggered my hyperhidrosis. Could these descriptions have come to mind? I feel uneasy, self-conscious, disappointed, embarrassed, defective, disgusting, unlovable, ashamed, neglected, abandoned, etc. Those can be triggering words…but that’s good. Feeling this emotional discomfort is when I know I’m on the right track to figuring out what my body is communicating to me, thus revision of my beliefs can happen. The trigger is a sign I’m on the right track, like Charades’ finger on the nose, I’ve got my emotion pegged. LATER when in a quiet place with little or no distractions, I go into my awareness for an emotion to describe my sweating response and release that emotion through prayer or meditation. I accept positivity like self-acceptance, peace, joy, kindness, unconditional love, etc. If a quiet place is not available, I can do this much LATER on that same day. LATER is when I do tools that incorporate neuroplasticity and mindset change using awareness and release practices such as meditation and prayer. This clears out the subconscious programs associated with the hyperhidrosis paradigm so that the conscious mind can work on accepting positivity. LATER, with this information from my body, I can release my stuck emotions of uneasiness, self-consciousness, disappointment, embarrassment, defectiveness, shame, etc. THEN Success Occurs. THEN days or weeks afterward, success can be brought forth by the subconscious when it is ready. It’s simple but it may not be easy. THEN, on a subsequent day, when hyperhidrosis tries to confront me, Success Occurs which is a feeling of little or no sweating when I would usually sweat.

In the early days of embarrassment, self-rejection, and fear of others finding out made it difficult for me to believe in a transformation out of hyperhidrosis. However, I am evolving, and in my evolving days I am experiencing success time after time that continues to increase my confidence and belief in my transformation. So, this 3 step process is something to learn and try. It takes some practice with neuroplasticity and mindset change tools and a release modality such as meditation or prayer. This is what I have done when in the throes of hyperhidrosis.

I understand hyperhidrosis is a struggle. I am also aware that the road to success is paved with disappointments. I learned that our beliefs do not easily welcome this simple tool. We may notice our resistance to transforming. Resistance often derails success. Clear out those stuck emotions of self-judgment and self-rejection. Bring in the positivity of self-acceptance, self-empowerment, self-discipline, freedom, self-trust, wisdom, forgiveness, surrender, success, and other positive emotions. In an age where we learn, unlearn, and relearn, this tool is a perfect example of this. As a child, my body learned to respond to my negative emotional triggers with hyperhidrosis. As an adult, I unlearned by releasing these emotional triggers. Then I relearned by accepting positivity.

We can transform out of hyperhidrosis. Claim those small successes. They truly happened! Share them with others who will listen and who deserve to hear your story. I encourage you to join a support group if you haven’t already. I am a Hyperhidrosis Transformation Instructor teaching neuroplasticity and mindset change tools such as this. I offer sessions and classes. If you would like to know more, Direct Message me through my website at or Instagram at Hyperhidrosis Transformation. Or email me at Look for me on Eventbrite and Linked In. My life's purpose is to encourage others to transform out of hyperhidrosis. Much love...x...Stephanie



January 21, 2024

Self-Acceptance is Necessary For Hyperhidrosis Transformation

 Hyperhidrosis is oppressive. In the same mind and body we play out the tyrant as the mind and the the slave as the body, the bully and the reject, the persecutor and the oppressed. It’s a battle within us. We play out a lot of self-rejection. My perception of others rejecting me opened my awareness of my rejection of myself. We think others reject us. Let’s say others don’t notice our sweat as much as we might think. Maybe the other person is not that focused on us. That may be true, however, what are we thinking through this experience? We could be wondering, “What do others think of me? Do they notice the sweat on my hands or my feet, or the sweat stains under my arms?” Whatever negative emotions the person with hyperhidrosis is feeling can be released and replaced with positivity. During a hyperhidrosis episode, whatever I’m thinking about myself; shame, embarrassment, disappointment, disgust, nasty, etc, can make it worse. We oftentimes make it worse. We know we shouldn’t think this way, but it’s easier said than done. I understand this vicious cycle all too well, when I consciously try not to think of myself in a negative way, my repressed insecurities bubble up from my subconscious and my hyperhidrosis gets activated. We have learned the subconscious runs the show 95% of the time. If these repressed emotions are no longer lingering in my subconscious, then the positivity that’s in its place is what I feel.

If you have self-acceptance of all the parts of you that sweat, then you do not need this blog. Self-acceptance is necessary to replace hyperhidrosis. Just think about your hyperhidrosis right now. What is your first thought about yourself? Is it acceptance? If it is, and always has been, stop reading this blog and enjoy your freedom from hyperhidrosis, as I have established, you’re fine.

The particular mindset change goal in this is self-acceptance. Through self-acceptance, we can become who we were meant to be all along. Any tool leading to self-acceptance was a requirement for me to change my paradigm. How did I realize this requirement? I was releasing a lot of stuck emotions associated with my hyperhidrosis. The stuck emotions released were shame, embarrassment, frustration, disappointment, etc. As I was releasing these stuck emotions I happened upon how self-empowering it was to make a game out of finding the most triggering emotion I could think up. Self-loathing, incompetence, and contempt were discovered. I did not realize I was lacking in self-acceptance until I realized I was harboring self-rejection. How could self-acceptance make its way inside me with self-rejection already making in me its home? They are the opposite and have difficulty living together in harmony. Especially two opposing feelings at the same time with the same intensity. If we are experiencing two opposing feelings, notice they will fluctuate. When self-rejection is highly felt, self-acceptance is at a low intensity. Conversely, when self-acceptance is at a high, self-rejection is barely felt. Looking back on what I had done to acquire self-acceptance, I saw the requirement of the release of self-rejection. It dawned on me that I needed to make room for self-acceptance through releasing self-rejection. Self-acceptance is necessary for hyperhidrosis transformation. Once I made room, I noticed the changes in my hyperhidrosis paradigm and the reality of my New Paradigm. Carl Jung’s famous quote describes this clearly, “We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.”

Mindset change can happen through prayer, meditation, or reflection. I have had authentic experiences with mindset change, you can too. It doesn’t have to take years. It can happen sooner than you think. Imagine yourself with self-acceptance. Desire brings it in. Intention kick-starts it. Self-acceptance makes its way into our being in a similar way to a spiritual conversion (or enlightenment), it happens to you. In other words, it comes to you. You can seek self-acceptance, but you cannot capture it and say, “Aha! Now you’re mine!”. I prepared for my self-acceptance (although I didn’t know that was what I was doing at the time) by releasing self-rejection. I released self-rejection repeatedly (repetition is key) for Laying the Groundwork while preparing space to allow self-acceptance in. Self-acceptance felt like a gift being delivered to me. Along with self-acceptance, I welcomed positivity such as freedom, belonging, giving and receiving kindness, giving and receiving forgiveness, patience, joy, understanding, wisdom, connection, and the list goes on.

🙏 In my prayer I asked for self-acceptance from God as the positivity that replaced my self-rejection. ”Ask and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find.” Matthew 7:7. Ideally, I felt the positivity of self-acceptance replacing the self-rejection. “I am the Lord that healeth thee” Exodus 15:26. “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.” Ephesians 4:23-24.

A forward-moving process of transforming into my New Paradigm was a choice I made for myself every day. I gave persistent action toward its attainment. It got easier for me once I felt self-acceptance. I was experiencing success. A Success Occurs when there is little or no hyperhidrosis experienced in a situation where there would normally be. My freedom from hyperhidrosis was gradually being experienced. I noticed my success starting at 10% of my day and rising to less than 50% of my day. That’s pretty good for a start. My success was relative to my normal, so your success would be relative to your normal. Become aware of your sweating amounts and frequency throughout your normal days. Do your best to notice the changes and claim your successes. I had successes happening a little here and a little there. Noticing my successes was gradual. It felt like I couldn’t believe they were happening. There were times I felt like they weren’t real, then “poof” the feeling of success disintegrated, and the hyperhidrosis came back into the spotlight. Because I was looking for where my hyperhidrosis disappeared, it came back. However, when I became intentional, celebrating the successes like I should have and giving them the acclaim that they deserved, that’s when I felt my self-empowerment at work. When successes happened here and there, it felt much like a dark cloud lifting in my awareness. With the consuming feeling of hyperhidrosis, it is often difficult to see your own dark cloud lifting, but just know that it is. Belief in your transformation uplifts your spirits, and eventually, stays with you, so there is no losing it. I’m excited for you to experience this. I encourage you to jump right into applying the tools in this book. As I was using tools and Laying the Groundwork, I opened up a world of self-discovery leading to self-acceptance and then my transformation from hyperhidrosis just happened. I invited myself to expand on this journey. Then, before I knew it, I developed a deeper understanding of these tools and I was able to apply them more naturally. Like they were second nature. Being filled with self-acceptance was who I was meant to be all along.

May 23, 2023

May 23, 2023

Parents With Hyperhidrosis May Encounter a New Level of Self-acceptance

How do parents with hyperhidrosis feel? They may feel disturbed by their hyperhidrosis condition. Maybe ashamed. Children can be so direct. They may say, "Eeewww, your hands are wet". Children notice their parents' flaws and weaknesses. As parents, we want to be admired by our children. We want our children to see us as a sign of the strength it takes to face this world. Not as a sign that says "I want to hide!". That's how we might see ourselves through the eyes of our children. But, I have found that children in general are forgiving and accepting of us parents, especially when they feel our energy of love. Through our children, as parents with hyperhidrosis, we may encounter a new level of self-acceptance, which can be nourishing to us on our transformation journey.

In my early 20's before having children, I remember a disturbing vision in my mind about the possibility of my future child holding my hand and being disgusted by my sweaty hand. I was disgusted by the sweat on my own hands and I couldn't bear the thought of my children seeing me the same way. After having children, I must share that that vision of my children acting disgusted by my sweaty hands did not become a reality. Yes, my hands were sweaty but my children were happy to hold my hand. However, that disturbing vision felt real in my own mind at that time. Let's focus on these two strong feelings of disturbed and disgust. These are strong words that are triggering to someone with hyperhidrosis. Today, I would release the feelings that these words contain. Then replace that inner space with loving curiosity, peace, and self-approval. This can be done with meditation, prayer, reflection, surrender, intention, release, sound healing, and other modalities. 🙌🤝

Read more blogs on hyperhidrosis

April 21, 2023

Hyperhidrosis and Holding Someone's Hand

Many people ask me if I still suffer from hyperhidrosis. I've had hyperhidrosis most of my life, starting as young as I can consciously remember (probably around eight years old) to the present. I began my journey out of my hyperhidrosis paradigm about ten years ago, and I am now living in my new paradigm where I spend most of my days without hyperhidrosis. Although, every once in a while, I experience a relapse. When I have a relapse, I look at it with loving curiosity and loving discovery. When I am alone and able to go into my awareness (either at home or in a quiet place), I release what I have discovered to be my emotions from that relapse. Emotions such as rejection, embarrassment, self-doubt, etc.  Here is a YouTube video that allows you to participate and learn as you watch the release.

If the relapse happens through interpersonal touch, such as holding hands with someone else, I share my hyperhidrosis feelings with that person as long as I feel emotionally safe. Having hyperhidrosis and holding someone's hand can be an uncomfortable and oftentimes scary experience. It's usually not easy sharing this condition with others. Many cannot give me the empathy that I am looking for. How can others empathize if they have not experienced the vulnerability of living with hyperhidrosis? It takes courage to share this condition with others. This courage can help dissipate shame because shame cannot survive with courage. The good that can come from sharing is that once the other person is informed, I've noticed they may be open to participating in my further transformation. How another person can participate in your transformation is offered as sessions in my 4th Stage; Interpersonal Touch. This 4th and last stage introduces you to interpersonal touch tools that can take your transformation even deeper. This is a stage to look forward to but not to be rushed into. Begin the 4th stage when you are ready and you have a person in your life with whom you can feel emotionally safe and fully accepted, flaws and all. Your desire and your faith make your transformation possible! Desire is your strong emotion paired with faith which is your belief without a doubt. This belief that you can have this transformation makes it already yours!

Transformation for Hyperhidrosis Downloadable Program; Resistance




Is Hyperhidrosis Stopping You From Enjoying Life?

April 3, 2023

Is hyperhidrosis stopping you from enjoying life? Is hyperhidrosis a brick wall? Is it stopping you from expanding? If you're not expanding, are you contracting? Contraction is not the way to go. What is it about hyperhidrosis that is stopping you from your dreams? Rejection? Shame? Embarrassment? Discouragement? These and other feelings are blocked energies that can be released through energy healing. Release the feelings attached to your hyperhidrosis, then expand to be your true self. What you are meant to be. Your dreams are waiting for you. Your life’s purpose is right around the corner. Is your hyperhidrosis getting in the way of your life's purpose? What is your heart telling you to do with your life? 

Take your next intuitive step. Trust in your intuition. I did, and look at what I’m doing. God started tapping on my shoulder a long time ago. He said, “Show others.” I fought doing this. I had some resistance in the form of doubt. I didn’t want to feel vulnerable. It hurt too much to show my weaknesses and I was feeling like I was not capable. Besides, still experiencing hyperhidrosis myself from time to time, I thought, “How can I be an example?” I was experiencing some expansion and self-empowerment, but not quite there due to the self-doubt, fear, and insecurity hanging around inside me. Instead, I would say I was experiencing incongruence. Incongruence is felt when part of us wants to expand, and part of us wants to contract. The more I released my fears and resistance, the more fulfilling this work was becoming. As those fears were released through my energy healing I noticed the incongruence becoming less. Just six months ago I published a self-help program for hyperhidrosis (link is below) and I'm currently finishing writing my book about my hyperhidrosis transformation. I’ve decided to devote almost all of my time and attention to this business which is also my calling and life’s purpose. Glory to God in the highest!

Your life's purpose is calling you. Instead of contracting, try expanding. This will probably feel new to you. Watch these YouTube videos to help prepare yourself for your change:  Energy Healing for Hyperhidrosis; The Release

Energy Center Balancing for Hyperhidrosis

Message me for energy healing sessions to clarify what your transformation out of hyperhidrosis involves. Once you feel the freedom, we can track your transformation, then you can continue to apply these tools on your own. Send your email message to or the green Chat with us button in the lower right of my website

Energy Healing Program for Hyperhidrosis; Resistance  


Lean Into Your Hyperhidrosis




     Are you feeling the sweat from your hyperhidrosis right now? Instead of getting embarrassed by it or angry at yourself for having it, look at that hyperhidrosis with loving curiosity and loving discovery. Leaning into your hyperhidrosis involves discovering the emotions inside your body. Have you ever tried to lean into your hyperhidrosis? Your body is communicating to you through sweat. Acknowledge your body. Lean into your body. The biggest mistake we make towards transformation is not listening to our body. We don’t want to ignore our body. But, unfortunately, we often do. When we lean in we often discover shame or rejection. Those emotions can be released from the body with intention. 


     Sometimes I bring in visualizations with my clients/students. I tell my clients/students, “Picture your sweating hands as your babies... and your babies are crying. Your sweat is weeping like tears”  Why are your babies crying? What are they feeling? Ask them. They’ll tell you. Through this visualization your mind can have a conversation with your body. Your body can communicate back to the mind through your awareness. What pops into your awareness?  What is your body feeling? Rejection? Shame? Frustration? Isolation? Brokenness? Even if what pops into your awareness doesn’t make sense, this communication can still work. Through doing this you're honoring the way your body communicates which can lead to your relief of hyperhidrosis.


     Discovering the emotions connected to the hyperhidrosis response is what we are doing when we lean in. These stuck emotions can be released. For those of you who do not know how to release your blocked emotions, I’ll put my release video links below. Take the time to learn how to release your blocked emotions. If you find you have questions while trying this release, email me at A few private sessions can give you the ease and clarity needed to eventually do this release on your own. I offer several options to help break your pattern of hyperhidrosis. Find these options on my website at for private sessions online or group sessions on My life's purpose and aim is to encourage you to feel relief from hyperhidrosis. Remember...transformation is possible! Much love...x...Stephanie


Energy Healing Program for Hyperhidrosis (self-help)

Energy Healing for Hyperhidrosis; The Release

Energy Center Balancing for Hyperhidrosis

Other blogs:  programs

Shop Energy Healing Program for Hyperhidrosis; Resistance Now 


     Are you wondering about the transformation out of hyperhidrosis? Transformation is about releasing those blocked emotions that get triggered by the experiences of living with hyperhidrosis. Transformation from your current paradigm to a new paradigm can begin through repetition. What better way to do repetition than through a program. Let me introduce you to the program that is available for your energy healing experience. It's called Energy Healing Program for Hyperhidrosis; Resistance Remedies. You can find this program available to purchase through the link above. And, for a limited time, I am offering a free 50 minute session along with the purchase of this program. This session offers a private tutorial on how to focus on the release of your blocked emotions and will actually take you through that release. This session will help get you started on the transformation process while tailoring what's needed for you individually.

     My name is Stephanie Katz and I am a Hyperhidrosis Transformation Instructor. I appreciate your interest in this blog and I am open to your comments or questions below. My aim is to encourage your transformation out of hyperhidrosis.

     If you have not done the release of your blocked emotions before, we can do this together and start you on the right track to releasing those hyperhidrosis triggers that are specific to you. This program was designed to introduce you to the types of resistance you may be experiencing as well as the tools for those resistances. The tools help you raise your emotional vibration enabling you to experience a new paradigm. This new paradigm is a pattern that brings you up and out of the low emotion level of hyperhidrosis. Simply listen to and read your favorite parts of this program to bring positivity into your day and to become familiar with the tools. At times you will be able to participate along with me. Through repetition of this program, your transformation can be achieved with ease. There's no workbook or homework. There is just the ease of repetition. As a well-known self-help speaker and author, Bob Proctor, has written (paraphrase); Repetition works to loosen the soil of the conscious mind and allow the new image to take root in the subconscious mind. Repetition is needed to change your paradigm and nothing changes when old paradigms stay in control. What he said holds in my life.

     This practice of changing my paradigm has shown success for me and countless others. Listening to this program often and doing the release of your blocked emotions repeatedly will lay the groundwork necessary for your subconscious to bring forth a success occurrence. The occurrence of your first success from hyperhidrosis gives you the confidence to continue with the process. When your success occurrence has happened, you'll sense it. Or it will dawn on you soon after occurring. It is an experience without sweat or minimal sweat, individual to you, where you would normally sweat. Let's say you had an experience where you were wondering if your success occurred...It probably occurred. Claim it! Believe it!! You might be saying to yourself, "Did that dry feeling just happen?" Stop doubting and start believing your transformation is possible.

     Accept change and move forward into your new paradigm:) Continue on with my website, YouTube channel @hyperhidrosistx, Instagram @transformation_steph and email My aim is encouragement for your transformation out of hyperhidrosis. Much love to you on your journey of transformation ...x...Stephanie 

 Other blogs:

Energy Healing for Overeating

Energy Healing for Trichotillomania and Skin Picking


Updated October 11, 2022

  Sept 12, 2021
     Find out about transformation out of hyperhidrosis. There is a program available on my website at This program is called Energy Healing Program for Hyperhidrosis; Resistance Remedies. Included is a flow chart designed to gauge your progress. It's been a few years in the making so forgive me for my excitement!:)
     Releasing my blocked emotions was helping me deal with the stresses of my marital and childhood relationships. Who would have guessed that it was also helping me with my hyperhidrosis. Sweaty palms, which is a form of hyperhidrosis (emotional state reflective through a response from sweat glands in palms, feet, underarms, and face) was something I had lived with most of my life.
     You might be wondering how releasing blocked emotions helped me with my hyperhidrosis. Well, it started to make sense the more I did this release on myself. Call it serendipity. Because, although sweating palms was like a thorn in my side and responsible for a lot of limitations in my life, it was not first and foremost on my mind. There were other problems in my life that were demanding my attention. And, probably because, in my opinion, the choices of treatment for hyperhidrosis were mildly palliative and would not give me the relief I was looking for.
     So, back to my transformation, I felt my blocked emotions in my chest and throat just before experiencing my galvanic skin response (changes of sweat gland activity reflective of emotional state). Your particular blocked emotions may be in different areas of the body than mine. The first step is identifying where in your body the blocked emotion is taking place that is associated with your galvanic skin response. You see, if you're anything like how I was, your focus is on the wrong part of your body...your sweaty palms! That is your response! Get your focus off of your response! I know, easier said than done, Sometimes it's darn near impossible! I am aware of why... because you're CONSCIOUSLY focused on your sweat instead of INWARDLY focused on your body's discomfort. With transformation, using mindset change, neuroplasticity, faith, intention, meditation, prayer there is a releasing of these blocked emotions and a replacing with positivity to balance your flow.
     I am a Hyperhidrosis Transformation Instructor. The blocked emotions that keep your hyperhidrosis active can be released in a process of sessions. Consider a program to instruct you through the ease of repetition (no workbook or homework!). This program, Energy Healing Program for Hyperhidrosis; Resistance Remedies, can be an important part of your transformation and is available on my website I also am currently offering 16 private sessions online. Your success is just as effective online (FaceTime, Zoom and other video chat platforms) as it is in person because you are transforming yourself! The subscription is 4 months (These can be purchased one month at a time.) and includes releasing limiting beliefs, tools for transforming, relaese of resistance, accepting relapses, intrapersonal touch tools, interpersonal touch tools, and the hyperhidrosis transformation process. I introduce what to expect during the stages of the transformation process and the steps that are necessary for that process. The mystery of why we cannot consciously stop ourselves from sweating can be so frustrating. However, once those blocked emotions associated with our hyperhidrosis are released, that mystery is released along with it.
     If you would like some questions answered, send me a message through the green Chat button on this page or email me I should respond to you within 24-48 hours. Transforming up and out of hyperhidrosis is possible! Visit me on Instagram @transformation_steph. Look for the Program on how to apply tools for resistance. Check out my YouTube videos on Energy Healing for Hyperhidrosis; The Release, Energy Center Balancing for Hyperhidrosis, What to do When Your Hyperhidrosis is Triggered, and more. To support and encourage you during your journey of transforming out of hyperhidrosis is my highest aim. Much love...x...Stephanie Katz
Disclaimer: I make no claims of complete healing, and despite efforts, matters can get worse as well as better. Your transformation is yours. I am merely an instructor or catalyst.  This service is complementary to your current healthcare practitioners’ services and treatment. I am not licensed as a Complementary Therapist. Most Complementary Therapists are not medically licensed professionals. 

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