When Struggling With Hyperhidrosis Teach the Body To Trust

When struggling with hyperhidrosis, does your mind make decisions that embarrass your body? Does your mind decide to wear a light blue shirt instead of a black one? Knowing full well the sweat stains will show up on the light blue shirt. Does your mind decide to shake someone’s extended hand when your hand is wet with sweat? Because, if so, your body may not feel comfortable with your mind’s decisions. In a person struggling with hyperhidrosis, the body lacks trust. I will take you through a 3 step process that can bring some relief to future hyperhidrosis episodes by teaching the body to trust the mind’s decisions. And, of course, this is done by focusing on making the mind’s decisions trustworthy. My name is Stephanie, I am a Hyperhidrosis Transformation Instructor. 

With hyperhidrosis, we often do our best to control situations so our lives can feel more tolerable. Our body and mind often do a delicate dance between protecting ourselves from others discovering our hyperhidrosis and connecting with others because we dearly want a connection with them. The first relationship we should consider mending is our relationship with ourselves.

Trying to make our lives more tolerable is something I understand because I have struggled with hyperhidrosis most of my life before transforming out of it. Let’s consider what we can change instead of what we cannot change regarding hyperhidrosis. Changing our thought patterns is something we can do when making decisions for our body. If we learn to implement mindset change through neuroplasticity, then over time the body can learn to trust the mind which can lead to harmony and relief from hyperhidrosis. This mindset change can answer your desire to change your hyperhidrosis circumstances. You are capable and can become self-empowered. Can the mind learn to make trustworthy decisions for the body? I know mine can, with my awareness and conscious efforts.

Now, Let’s discuss the 3 steps for how my body relearned to trust my mind. First, I developed an awareness of when my body lacks trust which presents as my body’s discomfort . And second, I responded with a rescue. And third, my body felt some relief from hyperhidrosis. At the beginning of my transformation, I found awareness helped to build that body-mind trust. So even something so simple as “I feel cold” can be resolved with trust. Instead of telling my body to put up with feeling cold, my mind would decide to put on a sweater to relieve my cold feeling. Now apply this exercise to a hyperhidrosis experience. If someone wanted to shake my hand, I might have swirled into a hyperhidrosis energy of panic and embarrassment. But, instead of telling myself to put up with it and forcing my body to respond with a handshake, I could, instead have responded with a rescue.

This leads me to my second step, the rescue. During the 2nd step, I relieve my body’s discomfort by coming to its rescue. A rescue could be a fist bump, a quick wave, wearing gloves, holding something in your hand like a leather wallet, etc. I’ve read somewhere about a person’s rescue idea. They said that when in public they constantly carry something in their hand to excuse themself from a handshake. They carry their leather wallet. The genuine leather feels comfortable against their sweaty hand. They wave to the person while showing their hand is occupied. Now that’s a rescue idea worth implementing. I’ve encouraged my body’s trust in my mind’s decisions to relieve the discomfort. I’ve rescued my body with a leather wallet to prevent a handshake. Through this rescue, I’ve made my feelings in my body a priority, which then builds its trust. Make your rescue choice trustworthy so the body can build trust.

The third step is some relief from the sting of hyperhidrosis. My body was learning to trust the new self-loving me. This relief was much appreciated by my body. This teaching my body to trust my mind was honored, at last. Notice the connection mending between your body and mind. Keep going back to the relationship we should prioritize within ourself, the body and mind.

When my body was not trusting my mind, I heard about it! Through the loud and clear response of my hyperhidrosis. When I wasn’t practicing self-love, I heard about it! Through the loud and clear response of my hyperhidrosis.

However, I know what you’re thinking, “I can’t go through the rest of my life avoiding a handshake!” You’re right, I agree. Encouragement of Interpersonal Touch is a part of the transformation, but not until my students are ready. When they are ready, this milestone in their transformation includes Interpersonal Touch classes which are introduced as the 4th Stage. These private classes are found on my website hyperhidrosistx.com. Interpersonal Touch introduces tools that work best in an emotionally safe and physically comfortable environment. If you are looking to sign up for the beginning stage of transformation, I recommend Stage 1, which is about Releasing Limitations. In this stage many of my clients have experienced noticing a difference after the second session.

If you are also thinking that avoiding a handshake is awkward, I completely understand. However, the rescue is temporary until the body-mind trust is developed and awkward feelings can be released. Please watch my release video on how to let go of blocked or stuck emotions.

To summarize, first I notice an awareness of my body’s discomfort. Second, I come to my body’s rescue (like with the gloves or the leather wallet). Third, my body doesn’t have to cry out through hyperhidrosis because it has developed trust in my mind. Awareness taught me about the high value of self-love. Getting to know my likes and dislikes and putting my needs and wants first taught me how to honor myself and be my own best friend. So, that gives you ideas about how I apply this tool and that it is meant to raise your positivity which fuels your transformation out of hyperhidrosis. Let me know what you think. If anything is confusing or needs more detail, please let me know. Write your questions or comments below. I offer this Thermal top and leggings on my website, hyperhidrosistx.com in the Sweat Comfy Collection. They are made of 100% Merino Wool. It is 40% off! Just add to cart and you'll see the savings! They come in pink, also ivory, and Khaki-Blushing. For hiking, skiing, lounging, and sleeping. Wool for comfort when sweat happens.

Look for me on Eventbrite and Linked In. My life's purpose is to encourage others to transform out of hyperhidrosis. Much love ...x… Bye, bye for now.

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