Lean Into Your Hyperhidrosis and Discover Your Awareness

     Are you feeling the sweat from your hyperhidrosis right now? Instead of getting embarrassed by it or angry at yourself for having it, look at that hyperhidrosis with loving curiosity and loving discovery. Become deeply aware. Leaning into your hyperhidrosis involves discovering the emotions inside your body. Have you ever tried to lean into your hyperhidrosis? Your body is communicating to you through sweat. Acknowledge your body. Lean into your body. The biggest mistake we make towards transformation is not listening to our bodies. We don’t want to ignore our bodies. But, unfortunately, we often do. When we lean in we often discover shame or rejection. Those emotions as can be released from the body with intention. 


     Sometimes I bring in visualizations with my students/clients. I tell my students, “Picture your sweating hands as your babies... and your babies are crying. Your sweat is weeping like tears”  Why are your babies crying? What are they feeling? Ask them. They’ll tell you. Through this visualization, your mind can have a conversation with your body. Your body can communicate back to the mind through your awareness. What do you hear in your awareness?  What is your body feeling? Rejection? Shame? Frustration? Isolation? Brokenness? Even if what pops into your awareness doesn’t make sense, the transformation can still work. Through doing this you're honoring the way your body communicates which can lead to your transformation from hyperhidrosis.


     Discovering the emotions connected to the hyperhidrosis response is what we are doing when we lean in. These emotions can be released. For those of you who do not know how to release your emotions, I’ll put my release video links below. Take the time to learn how to release emotions. If you find you have questions while trying this release, email me at support@hyperhidrosistx.com. A few private sessions can give you the ease and clarity needed to eventually do this release on your own. I offer several options to help transform out of hyperhidrosis. Find these options on my website at hyperhidrosistx.com for private sessions online or group sessions on eventbrite.com. My life's purpose and aim is to encourage you to transform out of hyperhidrosis. Remember...Transformation Is Possible! Much love...x...Stephanie



Disclaimer: I make no claims of complete healing, and despite efforts, matters can get worse as well as better. Your transformation is yours. I am merely an instructor or catalyst.  This service is complementary to and is not to replace your current medical or therapy healthcare practitioners’ services and treatment. I am not licensed as a Complementary Practitioner. Most Complementary Practitioners are not medically licensed professionals. 

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