What To Do In the Throes of Hyperhidrosis; NOW, LATER, and THEN

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February 9, 2024

What to do when we are in the throes of hyperhidrosis. We know the struggle to stop the sweating is real. I came to the understanding that when in the throes of hyperhidrosis, I cannot will it to stop. So why bother, right? Hiding it is easier. But it still doesn't feel good. The fear of others finding out and the embarrassment that follows is all consuming. We may not be able to will it to stop, but we can bring relief to future hyperhidrosis episodes. I will introduce a 3 step process that uses neuroplasticity and mindset change that can be used regularly to bring relief. I call this 3 step process Now, Later, and Then. The road to transformation is paved With NOW, LATER, and THEN. This is how these steps work. If I am experiencing hyperhidrosis NOW, nothing can be done. I find this belief relaxing. Maybe it’s because, usually, everything inside of me wants to urgently do something. This belief of NOW nothing can be done allows me to relax in confidence. I allow that confidence, even though my body’s response is sweating and I’m anything but confident. This is the first step on my road to success. I have confidence because I know that LATER something can be done. LATER is when I am in a quiet place with little or no distractions and have lovingly discovered the triggering emotion. LATER is awareness and release of this triggering emotion through prayer or meditation. I accept positivity into that space I’ve just cleared. THEN, Success Occurs, which is the body's response of little or no sweat when there would usually be a sweat response. I’m on my road to success. My hyperhidrosis paradigm is in the process of being transformed.

Let’s go over these steps in more detail. I am in the throes of hyperhidrosis NOW. NOW, I rest in the belief that nothing can be done at the moment. This belief allows me to wait it out. I’ve learned to feel myself NOW relaxed in the confidence that my hyperhidrosis will be dealt with. I’ve learned there is nothing I can do but ride it out NOW. “Weather the storm”, as they say. While I’m weathering the storm I am sitting with the knowledge and the experience that there is something I can do LATER. After the storm has started, I do my best to remember what I was thinking or feeling that triggered my hyperhidrosis. Could these descriptions have come to mind? I feel uneasy, self-conscious, disappointed, embarrassed, defective, disgusting, unlovable, ashamed, neglected, abandoned, etc. Those can be triggering words…but that’s good. Feeling this emotional discomfort is when I know I’m on the right track to figuring out what my body is communicating to me, thus revision of my beliefs can happen. The trigger is a sign I’m on the right track, like Charades’ finger on the nose, I’ve got my emotion pegged. LATER when in a quiet place with little or no distractions, I go into my awareness for an emotion to describe my sweating response and release that emotion through prayer or meditation. I accept positivity like self-acceptance, peace, joy, kindness,  unconditional love, etc. If a quiet place is not available, I can do this much LATER on that same day. LATER is when I do tools that incorporate neuroplasticity and mindset change using awareness and release practices such as meditation and prayer. This clears out the subconscious programs associated with the hyperhidrosis paradigm so that the conscious mind can work on accepting positivity. LATER, with this information from my body, I can release my stuck emotions of uneasiness, self-consciousness, disappointment, embarrassment, defectiveness, shame, etc.  THEN Success Occurs. THEN days or weeks afterward, success can be brought forth by the subconscious when it is ready. It’s simple but it may not be easy. THEN, on a subsequent day, when hyperhidrosis tries to confront me, Success Occurs which is a feeling of little or no sweating when I would usually sweat.

 In the early days embarrassment, self-rejection, and fear of others finding out made it difficult for me to believe in a transformation out of hyperhidrosis. However, I am evolving, and in my evolving days I am experiencing success time after time that continues to increase my confidence and belief in my transformation. So, this 3 step process is something to learn and try. It takes some practice with neuroplasticity and mindset change tools and a release modality such as meditation or prayer. This is what I have done when in the throes of hyperhidrosis.

I understand hyperhidrosis is a struggle. I am also aware that the road to success is paved with disappointments. I learned that our beliefs do not easily welcome this simple tool. We may notice our resistance to transforming. Resistance often derails success. Clear out those stuck emotions of self-judgment and self-rejection. Bring in the positivity of self-acceptance, self-empowerment, self-discipline, freedom, self-trust, wisdom, forgiveness, surrender, success, and other positive emotions. In an age where we learn, unlearn, and relearn, this tool is a perfect example of this. As a child, my body learned to respond to my negative emotional triggers with hyperhidrosis. As an adult, I unlearned by releasing these emotional triggers. Then I relearned by accepting positivity.

If you’d like to know more about me, my classes, and my Sweat Comfy products, like this yoga mat made of cork, refer to my website hyperhidrosistx.com. This yoga mat comes in 3 different styles. The cork welcomes sweat into its porous holes and becomes a little tacky, which helps create stability and prevents sliding from sweat. Its beauty and natural color stands out in a yoga studio. They are 40%off! Just add to cart and you'll see the savings!

We can transform out of hyperhidrosis. Claim those small successes. They truly happened! Share them with others who will listen and who deserve to hear your story. I encourage you to join a support group if you haven’t already. I am a Hyperhidrosis Transformation Instructor teaching neuroplasticity and mindset change tools such as this. I offer sessions and classes. If you would like to know more, Direct Message me through my website at hyperhidrosistx.com or Instagram at Hyperhidrosis Transformation. Or email me at support@hyperhidrosistx.com. Look for me on Eventbrite and Linked In. My life's purpose is to encourage others to transform out of hyperhidrosis. Much love...x...Stephanie

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