Hyperhidrosis is Stopping Me From Enjoying Life

Hyperhidrosis is Stopping Me

April 17, 2023

Do you want to scream, "Hyperhidrosis is stopping me from enjoying life!" Is it keeping you from your dreams? Is hyperhidrosis the brick wall between you and what you want? It could be stopping you from expanding. If you're not expanding, are you contracting? Contraction is not the way to go. What is it about hyperhidrosis that is stopping you from your dreams? Rejection. Shame. Embarrassment. Discouragement. These and other feelings can be let go. Release the feelings attached to your hyperhidrosis, then expand to be your true self. What you are meant to be. Your dreams are waiting for you. Your life’s purpose is right around the corner. Your hyperhidrosis could be getting in the way of your life's purpose. What is your heart telling you to do with your life? 

Take your next intuitive step. Trust in your intuition. I did, and look at what I’m doing. God started tapping on my shoulder a long time ago. He said, “Show others.” I fought doing this. I had some resistance in the form of doubt. I didn’t want to feel vulnerable. It hurt too much to show my weaknesses and I was feeling like I was not capable. Besides, still experiencing hyperhidrosis myself from time to time, I thought, “How can I be an example?” I was experiencing some expansion and self-empowerment, but not quite there due to the self-doubt, fear, and insecurity hanging around inside me. Instead, I would say I was experiencing incongruence. Incongruence is felt when part of us wants to expand, and part of us wants to contract. In the meantime, I was transforming. The more I released my fears and resistance, the more fulfilling this work was becoming. As those fears were released I noticed the incongruence becoming less. Just six months ago I published a self-help program for hyperhidrosis (link is below) and I'm currently finishing writing my book about my hyperhidrosis transformation. I’ve decided to devote almost all of my time and attention to this business which is also my calling and life’s purpose. Glory to God in the highest!

You can learn the tools to turn towards in place of saying "Hyperhidrosis is stopping me!".

Visit Eventbrite for my online events:  Hyperhidrosis Support Group, Transform Your Energy, and My Hyperhidrosis Transformation

Your life's purpose is calling you. Instead of contracting, try expanding. This will probably feel new to you. Watch these YouTube videos to help prepare yourself for your change:  Energy Healing for Hyperhidrosis; The Release

Energy Center Balancing for Hyperhidrosis

Message me for sessions to transform out of hyperhidrosis. Once you feel the freedom, we can track your transformation, then you can continue to apply these tools on your own. Send your email message to support@hyperhidrosistx.com or the green Chat with us button in the lower right of my website hyperhidrosistx.com

Energy Healing Program for Hyperhidrosis; Resistance 

Disclaimer: I make no claims of complete healing, and despite efforts, matters can get worse as well as better. Your transformation is yours. I am merely an instructor or catalyst. This service is complementary to and is not to replace your current medical or therapy healthcare practitioners’ services and treatment. I am not licensed as a Complementary Practitioner. Most Complementary Practitioners are not medically licensed professionals. 


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