Parents With Hyperhidrosis May Encounter a New Level of Self-acceptance


How do parents with hyperhidrosis feel? They may feel disturbed by their hyperhidrosis condition. Maybe ashamed. Children can be so direct. They may say, "Eeewww, your hands are wet". Children notice their parents' flaws and weaknesses. As parents, we want to be admired by our children. We want our children to see us as a sign of the strength it takes to face this world. Not as a sign that says "I want to hide!". That's how we might see ourselves through the eyes of our children. But, I have found that children in general are forgiving and accepting of us parents, especially when they feel our energy of love. Through our children, as parents with hyperhidrosis, we may encounter a new level of self-acceptance, which can be nourishing to us on our transformation journey.

In my early 20's before having children, I remember a disturbing vision in my mind about the possibility of my future child holding my hand and being disgusted by my sweaty hand. I was disgusted by the sweat on my own hands and I couldn't bear the thought of my children seeing me the same way. After having children, I must share that that vision of my children acting disgusted by my sweaty hands did not become a reality. Yes, my hands were sweaty but my children were happy to hold my hand. However, that disturbing vision felt real in my own mind at that time. Let's focus on these two strong feelings of disturbed and disgust. These are strong words that are triggering to someone with hyperhidrosis. Today, I would release the stuck emotions triggered by these words and the feelings they contain. Then replace with loving curiosity, peace, and self-approval. This can be done with prayer, meditation, reflection, surrender, reconciliation, and tools of positive affirmations. 🙌🤝

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Disclaimer: I make no claims of complete healing, and despite efforts, matters can get worse as well as better. Your transformation is yours. I am merely an instructor or catalyst. This service is complementary to your current healthcare practitioners’ services and treatment. I am not licensed as a Complementary Therapist. Most Complementary Therapists are not medically licensed professionals. 

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