Hyperhidrosis and Holding Someone's Hand

November 2023

Hyperhidrosis and Holding Someone's Hand

Many people ask me if I still suffer from hyperhidrosis. I've had hyperhidrosis most of my life, starting as young as I can consciously remember (probably around eight years old) to the present. I began my journey out of my hyperhidrosis paradigm about ten years ago, and I am now living in my new paradigm where I spend most of my days without hyperhidrosis. Although, every once in a while, I experience a relapse. When I have a relapse, I look at it with loving curiosity and loving discovery. When I am alone and able to go into my awareness (either at home or in a quiet place), I release what I have discovered to be emotions from that relapse. Emotions such as rejection, embarrassment, self-doubt, etc.  Here is a YouTube video that allows you to participate and learn as you watch the release.https://youtu.be/yI5cxvZmXjs

If the relapse happens through interpersonal touch, such as holding hands with someone else, I share my hyperhidrosis feelings with that person as long as I feel emotionally safe. Having hyperhidrosis and holding someone's hand can be an uncomfortable and oftentimes scary experience. It's usually not easy to share this condition with others. Many cannot give me the empathy that I am looking for. How can others empathize if they have not experienced the vulnerability of living with hyperhidrosis? It takes courage to share this condition with others. This courage can help dissipate shame because shame cannot survive with courage. The good that can come from sharing is that once the other person is informed, they may be open to participate in my further transformation. How another person can participate in your transformation is offered as sessions in my 4th Stage; Interpersonal Touch. This 4th and last stage introduces you to interpersonal touch tools that can take your transformation even deeper. This is a stage to look forward to but not to be rushed into. Begin the 4th stage when you are ready and you have a person in your life with whom you can feel emotionally safe and fully accepted, flaws and all. Your desire and your faith make your transformation possible! Desire is your strong feeling paired with faith which is your belief without a doubt. This belief that you can have this transformation makes it already yours!

Disclaimer: I make no claims of complete healing, and despite efforts, matters can get worse as well as better. Your transformation is yours. I am merely an instructor or catalyst. This service is complementary to and is not to replace your current medical or therapy healthcare practitioners’ services and treatment. I am not licensed as a Complementary Practitioner. Most Complementary Practitioners are not medically licensed professionals. 

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