Transformation Out of Hyperhidrosis

Parents With Hyperhidrosis May Encounter a New Level of Self-acceptance

Parents With Hyperhidrosis May Encounter a New Level of Self-acceptance

  How do parents with hyperhidrosis feel? They may feel disturbed by their hyperhidrosis condition. Maybe ashamed. Children can be so direct. They may say, "Eeewww, your hands are wet". Children notice their parents' flaws and weaknesses. As parents, we want to be admired by our children. We want our children to see us as a sign of the strength it takes to face this world. Not as a sign that says "I want to hide!". That's how we might see ourselves through the eyes of our children. But, I have found that children in general are forgiving and accepting...

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Lean Into Your Hyperhidrosis and Discover Your Awareness

Lean Into Your Hyperhidrosis and Discover Your Awareness

Lean into your hyperhidrosis. Find out how to communicate with your body by leaning in and listening to your body through your awareness. Then release that emotion associated with your hyperhidrosis. Feel the freedom!

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Hyperhidrosis and Holding Someone's Hand

Hyperhidrosis and Holding Someone's Hand

Having hyperhidrosis and holding someone's hand can be an uncomfortable and oftentimes scary experience. It's usually not easy sharing this condition with others. Many cannot give me the empathy that I am looking for.

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Hyperhidrosis is Stopping Me From Enjoying Life

Hyperhidrosis is Stopping Me From Enjoying Life

Do you find yourself screaming, "Hyperhidrosis is stopping me from enjoying life!". Find out how to transform. Then watch your life expand:)

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